The simplicity and beauty of centripetal force: effectiveness is optimized through carefully-designed hand-grip, arm angle, spinning weight and the smoothness of high-quality, sealed ball bearings.

What is Synergy 360?

Synergy 360 is a fun, effective, and convenient total body, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) system.

  • Developed over 5 years ago by Robert Kennedy.
  • Uncomplicated in design. No batteries, rubber bands, or confusing settings.
  • Effective for users of all abilities and fitness levels.
  • Powered by you! Uses centripetal force to provide a unique form of dynamic resistance, delivering whole-body muscle strengthening as well as an intense cardio workout.





Benefits of Synergy 360?

Synergy 360 maximizes your efforts with HIIT by combining cardiovascular exercise and targeted muscle groups.

  • Burn Calories
  • Tone Muscles
  • Have fun!
